April’s Fool Day, seems to be a “good day” to launch HIV campaigns in South Africa, theprevious roll-out being 1st April 2004. Life in South Africa is so crazy at the moment, that whenthe media put up some April fool stories, it was sometimes difficult to tell the difference betweenthe…
KZN News letter 1 31st December 2004 Dear People, For those of you who do not know what we are doing now, we are in the beautiful hills of KwaZulu Natal (KZN). It is about an hour away from Durban, near the village of Hillcrest down in a valley called KwaNgcolosi…
Dear Reader, The following is a very simplified way of explaining how the immune system works and how to improve it. Your Being is a unity of your body, your mind, your heart and your soul. All these have to live in harmony together as the one cannot function properly…
Welcome to “Not the First” – Unveiling Resilience at Tine Van Dee Maas! At Tine Van Dee Maas, we understand that the path to alternative health can be challenging, marked by obstacles and, at times, rejection. We recognize that practitioners before us have faced skepticism and persecution. In solidarity with…