About Tine & Nelly v d Maas

Over the years there has been a lot of news coverage on the controversy between, on the one side our late Minister of Health Dr Manto Tshabalala-Msimang (South Africa) and her stance on natural remedies, like lemons and garlic, and on the other side, the Treatment Action Campaign (TAC), scientists, doctors, journalists and politicians who push relentlessly for Antiretroviral drugs  (ARV’s) (See: Background Infoand many other medications as the only solutions for ALL health problems, including AIDS.

We, not in the royal we, but  Nelly my mother, my best friend and partner in “crime” – and myself are the people being referred to as Dr Manto’s Quacks, the people behind The Wellness Program Dr Manto kept keeps referring to. One of the last times she stirred the pot was at the Toronto AIDS Conference, which was decorated with lemons, beetroots etc. and only a few pamphlets on ARVs.

It caused a lot of lamenting, teeth gnashing, bald heads (tearing out of hair), and people wanting to walk in sacks with ash on their heads … crying for these poor, lost people in South Africa. You did not have to cry for us then, but you can cry for us now!

Nearly 1 million patients are now registered on the ARV Program (but nobody knows how many patients are actually coming back every month – they are registered, but no follow-up register is kept).


“Quack” was one of  the “nicer” names they called us. Luckily we remembered the famous saying of King Solomon who had said not to answer the Fool to his utterances so as not to become a fool yourself. What we do mind and what hurts is that so many people are suffering and dying unneccessary from many diseases, that so many children are being orphaned, just because the Press and the Media keeps blocking this Wellness information out. Instead of doing their own investigation, instead of coming to see for themselves, they keep bashing, or worse, ignoring this Wellness Program.

You have to ask yourself the question: Why would any person in her right mind take the kind of abuse that the late Dr Manto and we have been taking over the last couple of years. The only answer I can give you is because we know the Program works … Nothing can convince us otherwise.

“I am not saying that adding banana and half a cup of prune juice will work, but you may be very suprised”


The Wellness Program is so easy and works for so many things, like AIDS. (We and 2 other people who I do nor want to name for the moment, have asked so far over 200 HIV+ people to go for an HIV re-testing Test after having been on our Program. They had all been diagnosed HIV+ before and are now testing HIV-, myself included. (I have tested twice HIV positive, twice HIV negative, and once indecisive!) That is “curing”, but we can’ be naughty to “cure” anything! In any case, this is the wrong expression as we don’t “cure” people of dis-eases but teach them to heal themselves.

We have helped thousands of  people recover from arthritis, asthma, TB, MDR-TB, (and I am sure it would also work for XMDR-TB), diarrhoea, shingles, stomach ulcers, high blood pressure and cholesterol, diabetes, epileptic fits, cataracts, yuppie flu, glandular fever, candida, all types of cancer (even the so-called “untreatable” cancers, all kinds of other Syndromes, and many other health problems – known or unknown to the medical world. All we are doing in this Program is detoxifying the body, getting rid of infections and inflammations, in the case of cancer assisting the body to break it down, and restoring the biochemistry of the body, so the body can heal itself. (See: Dis-eases. The ones with a link are up and running.)

This is done with simple ingredients like garlic, ginger, lemons, olive oil, beetroots, water, various supplements, herbs etc. and obviously an adjustment / change to diet, lifestyle and attitude what real healthcare entails – mentally, spiritually, emotionally and physically.


To prove that our Program works, we decided to go to the hills of rural KwaZulu-Natal, a province in South Africa, which they say is the epi-centre of AIDS in the world (1/3 of the population – depends who is counting), to make the documentary “Power to the People”. We treated about 400 patients officially – charts/photos/film – and another 2000 unofficially, “adopting” less sick family members, especially children, from initial patients. See: The documentary “Power to the People” in the Video section and our KwaZulu-Natal Newsletter we sent out halfway our stay.

We stayed on the Peninsula!

We had hoped that this would be enough “walking evidence” for our critics – instead, it made them more vicious! If you google my name (specific search) “Tine van der Maas” you can read all the good things these dear people had to say about me, most never having spoken to me, all getting second and third hand information from the Presstitutes – the embedded Media. In the beginning I asked for the “Right of Reply”, which is a constitutional right, especially when plain lies are printed or said (I am not talking about biased writing), but this was mostly denied … so much for Freedom of Speech!


Last year around World AIDS Day, the media discredited me in a very sneaky and very cleverly way. One of our local TV stations, E-TV, showed a program on Quacks. These people seemed to be real quacks, selling their concoctions for thousands of Rands, not wanting to show proof, not wanting to say what they were selling, than to dissappear into the night, only to surface again in another (part of) town. Low and behold in the middle of this program, who pops up on the screen: Photos and names of Dr M Rath and myself. They did not comment or say anything, but I found myself in the Company of some real quacks, thereby implying I was one too. Nobody had contacted me, asked my input or anything. Contrary to a quack, we have always answered any queastions asked by whoever, whatever they wanted to know, what we were giving our patients, (we had all the information on a website for everybody to access – which was closed down due to lack of funds), showed them the evidence, let them speak to patients if so desired, never asked for money (contrary to one so-called journalist Liz McGreggor in her ramblings … sorry, I can not call it a book – that would be insulting to books …  ”Khabzela”, where she alleges that I made about R2 million), and never dissapeared into the night – in other words – very odd behaviour for so-called quacks. We have also financed all our own research, nobody helped us with that.

Recently (April 2010), Nathan Geffen from the TAC brought out a new book Debunking AIDS Denialsm in which Nelly and I again feature prominently. You would think that after so many years they would leave us alone, but we must be a real threat to the AIDS industry, the way they try to discredit us. When Nathan was interviewed on Radio 702, a local radio station here in South Africa, on the launch of his book, (and where he called me a dangerous quack), a caller questioned him on this, but was straight away cut of, with a comment of the Presenter that: “The age of Denialism was now over!” Now, like in December 2009 with the death of Dr Manto, my name was trashed all over again in Media.


This whole experience was a big eye-opener for us as we were totally in the dark about the politics and money of health and disease. We thought after we knew that our Program worked, was affordable, available, and sustainable, that everybody would be happy. We expected our Program would go through an official Clinical Trial, it would be rolled out world wide, and we would go and save dolphins or something – our work being “finished” – that’s what we thought! Now I know that Health or Disease care is a Trillion dollar industy worldwide and they will not let two women undermine it with a simple Wellness Program which includes lemons garlic and olive oil etc. for so many different diseases (See: the Basic Wellness Program).


After we were attacked at night in our house, not once, but twice within three and a half weeks, the last time in the early hours of Christmas morning (2009), losing all our laptops and cell phones (nothing else), thereby losing most of our information and contact details of people, we made a conscious decision that whatever happens, we are going full steam ahead. Nobody is going to scare us! But we are also not going to be quiet anymore either! When we started the process of getting the $6 million we need to do clinical trials we did not think it was going to take so long. We thought it would take us at the most one year to get the funding, than the Clinical trials could start and the results would be out, so we decided to go “underground”, stay quiet, and than come out with the results with a huge bang. However even while lying low, we were still attacked – and it was targeted! How do we know?

One of our friends, a very well known media personality who has been testing HIV positive for many years, was now testing negative, after I had asked her to go for a re-test. I was only one of two people she had discussed the results with on the phone, the other one being her doctor who had re-tested her. That Thursday night, she was nearly “high-jacked”. Fortunately somebody came outside and interrupted the highjacker, and she was able to escape. The next morning the doctor that had diagnosed her HIV negative was attacked, but lived to tell the tale. We were attacked that night.

We were 4 people in the house, but they did not even go to two of the bedrooms. They only went to the Study where I was sleeping and Nelly’s bedroom. So if they were really thieves, they could have also taken the other people’s cell phones, computers etc, even the money that was lying around in plain sight from the “old man” who stays with us. They were four, they had a car, they had all the time in the world, we were tied up, and they only took our laptops, my cell phone and memory stick? Apart from throttling me and tying us up, they did not harm us whatsoever. They were actually gentle with my mother and the “old man” who walked into the whole scene, when he heard a commotion. To not be raped or murdered is extremely rare in South Africa when they get into your house. And than it happened again three and a half weeks later, this time three men, with a car, again only going for the cell phones and the laptop that somebody had just given me. This time they only slapped my mother very hard on her cheek, nothing else. Both the police and the fingerprint lady thought we were extremely lucky, and that this was “strange”.

Three weeks after these attacks at least 2 men were again in our garden. We saw them when the sensors, which are connected to a radio, started blasting on top volume, even waking up the dead. there were at least two men. The one man climbed through a 19cm (I measured it the next day) gap between the spikes of the gate and the razor wire above, and when he was gone, the radio started blasting again, being triggered by somebody still standing somewhere were we could not see him. This morning, 26th May 2010 at 04h05, there was again somebody in our garden. I went to all the neighbors in the street to ask them if they had the same “problems”, but none of them had any nightly “visitors” – not in the last couple of years. We are staying in a very old ( and also looking old) house (all the neighbors have either rebuild theirs or done them up), there is a very old 1984 car standing in the driveway, (the neighbors have all the latest models), while many neighbors also do not have any razor wire or electric fencing on their walls (we have)! So why do they keep on to “visiting” us?

I was extremely fortunate that somebody gave me a laptop to work from … again. By the end of January I was able to function and focus sort of normally to start the mammoth task of re-writing whatever was lost, and to start writing for this website. What was also lost was a list of all the people testing now HIV negative after being on our program. I have also lost their telephone numbers, so unless they phone me, it will be very difficult to update this list.

You learn very quickly to have a good cry, get the anger out of your system, cut your losses, and start again, including a new list and new documents. This has made us even more determined than before to carry on.



Looking back, we now count ourselves lucky that it had to be this way. Why? First of all, when we became unemployable, we had enough time on our hands to study extensively. We have learned soo many new, exciting things since making the documentary, which we are now able to apply and share with you amd many others.

Secondly, we realise that to stop the Madness, we have to do the Clinical Trials. This is not in reaction to the Treatment Action Campaign’s (TAC) Zachie Achmat and Mark Heywood, or from Francois Venter, head of the HIV Clinician Society, or from journalists and other HIV “experts” who screamed for clinical trials. In the case of the TAC, if they had really wanted this trialled, they could have funded this from their own R20 million+ a year “donations” – but that is a bit difficult if their money comes from dubious sources and their income would disappear. In any case, I have approached them many times over many years to try to work together, putting my own ego aside, but to no avail. The question was who to do these clinical trials with? Through another person we were introduced to world renowned scientists, who after studying our work, and looking at the evidence, want to do clinical trials on AIDS and other chronic diseases (including cancer) with us, as soon as we have found the money (See: Why Donate and Donate!). This would be a big nail in the Pharma coffin and will bring extremely affordable Health care not just to Africa, but to the whole world.


This website is about information, because without knowledge, you have no power – hence the name of our documentary: “Power to the People”. Although the website is still under construction, over the next few weeks you will find health information on specific diseases, articles on a whole range of subjects from me and other writers, case studies of patients, my personal ramblings on my Blog: “Only in Africa” etc.

For those who are new to the whole “HIV/AIDS” Debate, go to Background Info. There you will find many interesting articles, but start with:

  1. How did we get to this sorry state of affairs? This is to explain the basic science you need to understand the Debate, the “mainstream” HIV/AIDS view and the “dissident” side
  2. You will also find articles written by other people, so you will have a good understanding of other things concerning Health, Disease, Drugs, Food, etc.

We started our journey in the world of AIDS, death and disease, but have landed on the road of Health and Wellness. Do not accept ill health or disease at any age as normal … it is not! This website is about Life and Hope. Please feel free to pass this information to any one that needs it.

Some of the health information is not going to be put on the website till it has gone through clinical trials for example the treatment for catarats, glaucoma,  reversing motor neuron disease – yes, you read right – and a few other diseases.

May the Spirit that is Love be with you and protect you

Tine and Nelly van der Maas

Email: [email protected]

Mobile: +27 71 515 8643

Skype: tine.van.der.maas2